Lola del Rio

Dang! What are all of y’all doing with Vasaline that you need to carry it in travel size everywhere?? Just asking 😜.

He’s certainly a 6...when hidden by his stacks of cash.

A 6?

Archipelago, Linnea’s Lights, Tatine, Nest, Carrière Frères

Archipelago, Linnea’s Lights, Tatine, Nest, Carrière Frères

My head says Monte Cristo casserole, but my heart says stoner food casserole.

Do you use a spoon to peel? But don’t get me wrong, a poached egg is a thing of beauty.

X-Tina. i’ve worked with her, too.

Xtina? Blink once for “yes”, twice for “duh, but I’m sworn to secrecy.”

An A-list blond singer, former reality show judge. I love my blind items. :-)

Is it a sexual attraction, though? Or is it, like rape, just a dominance activity that’s then combined with some weird frisson of forbidden-ness?

Unfortunately I know of no good solution to this concern, but locking away pedophiles does little to rehabilitate these attractions.

Agree. And I like your Farscape cursing.

I wasn’t sure the other day, but I am now: Cameron clearly wanted to direct or got passed over for directing.

There’s a blue corn moon joke somewhere in here, but I can’t find it.

I found it more in common with Dances with Wolves, very “white savior-esque”.

If each of these 4 new Avatar movies come with a handful of psychedelic drugs, I will happily - nay, enthusiastically - watch them. If not, HARD PASS.

Don’t forget Fern Gully!

Avatar was just pocahantas, fuck avatar.