Lola del Rio

You had me at Willem Dafoe.

Dunno why but as a fan of Orphan Black I’m a bit relieved this is only a film and not a series. Feels kinda strange knowing if another show would be piggybacking off of the amazing performance of Tatiana Maslany.

Orphan Black is ending in just a few more episodes... so you dont have to feel like you are cheating if you start watching the Netflix show.

Noomi Rapace. Willem Defoe. Glenn Motherfucking Close.

“Not bad.”
-Tatiana Maslany

And the timing of that confession was perfection! “Is this going to hurt? No? Ok, btw it was totally me who killed your son.” I’m actually surprised Jaime didn’t pull out his sword right then (character growth?).

“Daenerys Hillary Targaryen Clinton doesn’t believe that #UnsulliedLivesMatter”


Can’t I just watch dragons and dire wolves murder zombies without worrying about politics? :(

Not to mention how the Iron Bank of America has been secretly funding subprime lending slavery.

After you’ve died once or twice, I imagine the threat of it loses something.

Ha! I just couldn’t help but think, Ice and Fire already met and had a baby named Pouty McPouterson.

This is gospel, all of it.


I have eaten tacos everyday this week. Taco Tuesday is for amateurs.

Come to Oakland and I will teach you all about Taco Tuesday. Hint: It involves booze. I see from your comments that you are Mexican, so you don’t need me to teach you about tacos, only about Tuesdays.