Lola del Rio

Da fuck?

Ok! Do not throw out the baby yet.. But make sure to give home CLEAR directions! No hemming & hawing.

I endorse your lifestyle!

Stride of Pride I say!

My family is a little different cause none of my Tia's wanted me or my cousins to end up like them with abusive husbands. But everybody else can't keep their mouths shut. So Do what I do... In one ear & out the other... You can’t make everyone happy so don’t.

Wouldn’t be the 1st time I hate Fucked a republican.

This my new fave gif for everything!

Let's face it.. La Coacah called this 1!

Do you babe. we all gotta do our part in our own way.

U get star ‘cause Prince.



I noticed.


Preach cause I'm just part of the choir.

Title gets you a star!

That shit is NOT sex positive!

The rabbit is so FUCKING COMPLICATED!!!

Since ‘95 & still goin!

First email ever sent?