
Over 6 grand for a tin box that’s over 40 years old...BWHAH-HAH-HAH-HAH!

So Ram is “inventing” a truly ugly tall sedan with an exposed trunk.

Considering how people are such self-centered dolts—example being many times at the local supermarket where the waddling fatasses couldn’t be bothered to shove the cart into a chute there in the parking lot once they’re done loading their box with groceries—even when the chute is only 10 feet away, I’m not surprised.

Next up will be the option of a fully-enclosed bed, aka a “trunk” and the sedan/limousine will have come full circle.

Considering how the absolutely pointless Dodge Hornet is the slowest selling box in America:

I LOVE this plan.

Before I read the post, I thought, ‘What difference does it make? If they compensate for issues found with Elon’s rides and those ultimate dregs to society—influencers—wouldn’t improvements implemented due to what was found on those recordings automatically be helpful to all other fools who bought that software?’

This is pretty normal for a California car. I have a 1955 Mercury out here and the underside has at best, some small signs of some surface rust. The dry weather along with no snow tends to really preserve things. So its not unusual.

That would I think make it worse.  In race cars like that you usually don’t take your hands off the wheel in even the sharpest corners. I suspect there may not be some kind of solution for this particular problem.  It’s just something he is going to have to learn to work with.

No wonder he thinks AutoPilot/FSD are amazing. Because the product is catering to him and a select few alone.

And now “thanks” to that goddamned decision overturning the Chevron decision:

There it is again: that goddamned Glossy Primer Gray paint. You want to take any awesome car and make it look as meh as possible, shoot it with GPG.

If I’m turning more than 90 degrees, it’s hard to be precise and apply the throttle accurately.”

Well that tunnel doesn’t look very “lax” to me....

They’re gonna need a smaller boat!

Given how the Six Stooges on the Supremes love wiping their collective asses with the Constitution and how they’re (smirk) originalists (“We love citing 18th century precedents, except when we make up bullshit constitutional reasons when we feel like it—which is most of the time.”), I hate to say it but the prediction

The court has already invalidated much of the federal beaurocracy’s ability to regulate anything, so I can see where this is going. We’re f’d.

The Court’s previous decision: “The president is above the law.”

Yes, but I’m sure as Canadian thieves that they are very polite while boosting cars.

Just an FYI. When you copy/paste a URL with a “?” in it, you don’t need to include the mark and everything after it. That gobbledygook consists of variable values and alphanumerics that are tracking you—all superfluous.