
OK, I’ll bite: what would be so difficult about a good-sized truck with a massive A/C unit mounted to and powered by the truck, pulling up to the jet? The A/C crew has ductwork that reaches the jet’s passenger boarding bridge and they set it up with a fabric vestibule at the jet’s open door. Then gush! they turn on

I know, right? Some phrases take on a life of their own and this is definitely one of them.

You and me both.

It’s a Tesla product.  So what?

Meh, considering how Elon has devolved into a total POS, him endorsing American Hitler could be a good thing from it backfiring. “Musk is for pathologically lying Donald? Then Biden has to be the better choice.”

Now playing

Richardo Montalban for the ‘75 Chrysler Cordoba with its “fine Corinthian leather” interior:

Was the Donald-nazi scofflaw zooming to her new congressional district with her tail between her legs?

And given how women are now treated worse than barnyard animals since the critters can get veterinarian care when pregnant, I like thinking the women will rise up en masse and crush the Donald-nazi candidates and American Hitler, but if polls are right (“Dewey defeats Truman”), it could be a nail-biter on Election

Compelling or not, when the alternative is a pathologically lying, narcissist, sociopath, and psychopath who literally tried to steal the presidency; getting pissy-moany about Biden when he’s a 21st century FDR is complete madness.

Considering how American Hitler is only a few years younger than Biden and show much worse mental deterioration, keep giving Biden grief over his flubs is giant idiocy. But it’s one thing the news-ish orgs are “good” at—making a big stink about something that doesn’t deserve it—blow it completely out of proportion

House of Representatives Committee on the Judiciary is a Donald-nazi committee since they’re in the majority at the House. Oh look! The chair of that “fact finding” group is tadah! Jim Jordan, one of the all-time worst Donald-nazis lurking in the House:

Ka-ching!  COTD.

You know, “Sexy Beast” ain’t half-bad for a name....

I’m still boggled that the race looks basically tied between American Hitler, a constantly lying severely mentally ill criminal with 34 felony convictions, versus Biden who has been at FDR-levels of passing effective legislation helping Americans now and in the future.

First of all, due to the Origami Truck, uh, Cybertruck, I’d have to say “cyber” has been completely ruined from the bad connotation it’s acquired because of Elon.

The 2000 Chevy Venture Warner Bros. Edition:

If you’re stackin’ them deep, you oughta be sellin’ them cheap.

If the frankencar would be so great for a limo business, why is it being sold again so soon? There’s the engine discrepancy raising a red flag. And that plain interior, looks amateurishly done to me, ain’t helping anything either. ND all day.

There’s no accounting for taste.

Yes, it’s a good trend. But is it happening quick enough and I say it’s nowhere near what the target should be. There’s that lag of inputs to big systems until much later when the effects are felt. A small example: June has the longest days of the year, yet the heat doesn’t get blast furnace-like till late July and