
Beats me what you see in this “show”. All I saw in the trailer was a bunch of schlubs jerking off at work as they smoke and casually swear as they pretend what happens to the tire shop actually matters. They don’t—they’re just actors who can’t even pretend that they care.

If you’re single or just a couple, a Challenger is way more practical than it first appears. To wit:

car capitol capital of the world

I like this wagon a lot. Given its shape and how it hasn’t accumulated that many miles for its age are more pluses. When it needs parts, I’ll bet they won’t destroy your credit card like trying to keep an older Germanmobile on the road.

You fly and you don’t keep your seatbelt fastened, you get what you deserve.  Anyone who whines that it’s too uncomfortable is lying--it’s no big, so just do it.

So is she a Republican who lives in Florida?  If not, she might as well be.

When you can’t even style a vehicle appropriately to begin with, it’s a design flaw.

The retro-inspired 2002-2005 Ford T-bird:

Sometimes memes are just too good:

There’s the magic word: “single-owner”. Any car kept that long by one owner should have a lot going for it. Credit card money and appearing to be in great shape are more points in the GTI’s favor. (Unlike that unbelievably scruffy Caddy from yesterday.)

Topolino”: I’m trying to think of another car model’s name that has such a cool ring to it when said—can’t think of one.  Well, maybe “Torino”.

And there are the wage gains versus inflation for Joe Sixpack under Biden:

Chuckle, chuckle, snort, snort--COTD.

BMW used slave labor during World War II. You know, as they tried their damnedest to ensure the Nazis defeated the Allies with those people enslaved to Hitler:

 Check the vid I posted to Turbineguy--I’m not impressed with the I6's sound.

Now playing

I’m sure the Dodge dealerships are incredibly glad there’s going to be an ICE Charger next to the EV Charger. But I6s don’t have that cool cross-plane burble like the Hemi V8s.

GIGO: garbage in, garbage out--been true about computers since the Fifties and is still true today.

Pfffftttttt! Given how the economy is going gangbusters with companies begging for workers, being laid off from Tesla as Elon grinds his company into the dust strikes me as a big blessing in disguise.

“Visual success”? No, it’s visual excess. Seeing a custom car slathered in text—something that should only happen with race cars—has to be one of the dumbest custom touches of all time.

Elon, the anti-lidar tech guru, seems to have seen the light where just cameras for sort-of autonomous driving was a very bad call: