Wow, duckduckgoing for ‘86 Volvo wagon prices isn’t easy—like trying to find hen’s teeth. And this is another close to the NP/ND line for which way to go with wagon.
Wow, duckduckgoing for ‘86 Volvo wagon prices isn’t easy—like trying to find hen’s teeth. And this is another close to the NP/ND line for which way to go with wagon.
And what about mounting horses always from the left? Why is that? (Not a horse rider, so truly asking.) If you tried to mount a horse from the right, would it buck you off? So yeah, get on the horse from its left--why?
Some people are so stupid, so careless in their disregard for people’s safety or commonsense, that they should be barred from driving. Ever.
Yes, Car Sleeping Guy was crossing my mind when I wrote my comment. If even he was fired not being enough of a slave, why work for Elon?
Only two words come to mind: idiotically ostentatious.
So “carefully initiate a passing maneuver” when its result could well be 10 times more horrific by pulling such a jaw-droppingly dumb move. Uh-huh, sure. That makes “sense”.
Someone had to state the obvious—well done.
Every time I read of Elon wanting “hard core” people at his companies, I get the feeling it’s code talk for “I want groveling slaves putting in 25 hours a day/8 days a week” for me. Anyone who goes to work at an Elon company must be a masochist.
Absolutely nothing. It’s an ungainly utility vehicle with piss-poor styling which for some baffling reason, has cachet with buyers with too much money.
Huh. Well I just learned something. All these years I figured “starboard” was coined because when the boat is docked, the port side has a cluttered view of the city with the sky obscured while the starboard side has a clear view of the harbor and ocean—stars easily observable on the right at night—starboard.
What a load of crap. When you perform a survey, you have to look out for forms of bias in your methodology. And when you stack the deck by only polling a sample of business students, a category that surely attracts people with psychopathic personalities, after all, it worked for Donald The Criminal; then your results…
Well your handle would’ve been perfect for the truck seller....
1) First of all, this era of Ford pickup always bugged me from a styling standpoint. Such a disjointed collection of bulges and lumps...WTF? As opposed to the late Sixties Chevy C10—that cleanly styled truck still looks great today. Point being the Ford has a strike against it already.
This is as stupid as watching paint dry.
2nd gen Charger in the background--of course.
Yes, expanding operations while not improving the quality of the products:
Another close call NPOND. Toyota quality and appears to be in fantastic shape for its age, but it has been nearly driven to the Moon.