Was Obama's purple tie offensive as well?
Was Obama's purple tie offensive as well?
Just put the pedals on the rear wheel and have you straddle it like a Sportbike (motorcycle).
I wonder if when an MMO closes, there's ever a gap between the announcement and it being pulled from the stores. And if anyone ever buys a copy and logs onto the server hours before it going offline for good.
Maybe someone edited your hosts file?
Go dog-leg or go home.
@Makidian: Gah.
As I said to my droid friends the other day: What's that? I can't hear you over my app selection.
@Segador: Hint: TLV:O
Everything does happen for a reason. For example, now you're on the No-Fly List. The reason is because you tried to open a fucking door mid-flight.
BMW needs to make a Porsche GT3 RS fighting version of this for the street.
IKEA: Here, take my money. All of it. No, I don't even want any furniture, that was enough awesome for me.
I went to Reno once. I drove by the Reno Sheriff's Department. It was most definitely not the same as Reno 911.
Cool, now his boyfriend can pretend he's driving while he's driving.
@fuchikoma: @edicius: If you're willing to throw down the dough, higher end chains like Nordstrom will tailor your jeans to fit (length and width).
@Theologica: You finding this inappropriate is the exact point I was making. Thanks.
Yeh, this was a dick move on Ben Collins' part. I had no interest in REALLY knowing who the Stig was. This is like finding out Santa Clause is fake.
Blasphemy. We need to spend more money on [strike]enforcing[/strike] researching religion.
@subframespacer: Maybe he's actually interested in Engineering?
Do want Michael Jackson zombie.