@Christopher Vega: Sounds treasonous.
@Christopher Vega: Sounds treasonous.
@gemcosta: F&@* that noise, this rat's jumping ship!
If you're Facebook friends with a Russian spy, you're probably being watched by the CIA.
@mikeman06: Cobb is actually an autistic child and all of the events of Inception happen inside of a snow globe.
@junior ghoul: As well as Japanese school girls who will worship you as a deity!
I was playing Total Annihilation. To this date, I still haven't played the original StarCraft (I did get in on the SC2 beta, though).
Ha, joke's on you, my car only has a five-speed!
I feel bad for saying this, but I'd rather have a cool mask like Darth Vader.
Welp, there goes $24 million dollars (US).
It has always bothered me when corporations promote evangelism.
@mikeness: And you shall burn in righteous flame for it!
@irishman72: Request denied! Pucker up, buddy!
@Kenny: If their subscriber numbers are still 10 million +, they're looking at a cool $100 million a month easy. Of course, less the cost of maintenance and Porsches for everybody.
@brokennails: Totally me.
@Jesse Scroggins: Yah, I wish it were slower, and could hold a dSLR. Would be great for night time lapse.
@Juaco: My god, it's full of stars!
@jpaugh: Flight path information and departure/arrival times are readily available already.
@bustedchain: All I see is a bird on a barbed wire fence =/