The Wilhelm

And I was explaining to you how it wasn’t racist at all and how your rebuttal was racist. No agenda here and of coarse I know racism involves race and it always will thats whys its called racism. But if you can’t see how whites are not the only racists in this world or how lumping all whites into the racism vat is

Oh theres no trolling going on here. Get off your high horse, your not as intelligent as you think you are. If you don’t see that continuing to make it whites vs blacks is a bad thing you are fucking stupid.

No I definitely read it and your logic is flawed. You aren’t understanding me. It’s not “whites” who are holding anyone down. It is racists. Just because you are not white doesn’t mean you get a free pass on racism. Racism is racism. Its not “white” cops commiting murder, police brutality, or criminalization against

No, no, no, those were racists that did that. Call them what they are not “whites”, that is using racism to battle racism, you want racism to go away but you perpetuate the cycle by bringing race into it. You. Racist. You.

I read enough of it to understand their reasoning and I do understand the power dynamics here. I don’t see how you don’t see how using racism to battle racism is perpetuating a cycle. I get it whites have more power in this country but that doesn’t justify being racist towards whites when I high percentage of them

First off thanks for answering like a decent human being but it is still racial stereotyping. No matter how you look at it, I didn’t do a single thing you just mentioned there therefore don’t lump me in with the people you are blaming. I totally think racism should be talked about but without the whole blame game

Oh ok I get it! So this term is exclusive to racist? Im glad to know that a certain people can have total claim to a word... dumbass. Reverse racism is a thing, thinking its not is ignorant. The person who wrote that article is ignorant. Perpetuating the cycle my friend.

I see you chose the path of an idiot, noble choice my friend. Let me know how that works out for you.

How is anything Im doing being racist? Please enlighten me bud. Is it because I don’t like being racially stereotyped? That makes me a racist? Cool, Ill live with that one. Also, reverse racism is a thing when using racism against racism.

Hey man Im just here to help you understand that using racism to fight racism is the thought process of an idiot. So if you both want to continue down the road be my guest.

Go ahead stay ignorant homie

Its not all white people, that right there what you are saying is racist. You are lumping all white people into a stereotype. I don’t lump you into a stereotype so please figure out a different way to express your anger, because reverse racism will get you no where.

I specifically said that it doesn’t happen as much and its definitely not only happening in Omaha. You want the world to not be racist yet you make it about race? Cops harassing and killing civilians for no wrong doing is the problem. Whether black, white, asain, latino, etc. it all should end. We are human and all

I’m not trying to argue that there isn’t a problem and yes racism is very much alive but it’s also not exactly a problem that only plagues one race. I have plenty of white friends that have been harassed by police as well and its not only African Americans being killed by cops and them getting away with it. Just

I’m not a POC and I had to deal with this almost exact same thing. Except it wasn’t my school ID it was my real ID and some one gassed up at a gas station then said they didn’t have the money to pay for it and left my ID and said they would be right back with the money (Don’t ask how or why this was ever allowed to

I like to do that as well but I sometimes like the chaos of a big free roam game (when its not super laggy). I am horrible at pvp in this game but I love the challenge!

Then yea he was probably doing some sort of cheat because he should only be able to pass through you and the car you are in.

Console is basically the same way. I thought it was my internet connection, mine sucks but it does fine on all other games, then I found out everyone of my friends is having the same problems. Super glitchy free roam, trouble joining friends, having to restart game to join them. The only thing that isnt as bad is

If you are in passive mode every other player will look transparent to you just like you do to them. But yea being in passive mode is not full proof as I found out last night!

Shit yea my friend! It’s different for guys since the mothers are carrying them and growing with them, then here I am, the father. I didn’t really feel anything for those 9 months. There were times of excitement, happiness, worry, etc. but not anymore then any other day really. Then the moment you see that little tiny