The lack of Post Malone on this list is encouraging...
The lack of Post Malone on this list is encouraging...
If they really wanted to punish Iran they would make it host a World Cup.
$60 is the regular cost, but the Groupon deal throws in the $20 gift card and coupons.
$60 is the regular cost, but the Groupon deal throws in the $20 gift card and coupons.
The principal problem with the institutional Democratic Party as it exists today is that confuses the axiom “never fight a battle you don’t have to win” with “never fight a battle you can’t win”. Those two axioms aren’t the same, and the Democratic confusion on the issue results not just in innocent bystanders…
polling is not some immovable object. It’s a snapshot in time. It changes, and one way to try to influence that change is for the leader of the party to make the case that it’s necessary
It’s clear that Dem leadership doesn’t actually care about improving the lives of Americans, but simply maintaining power. Primary ‘em all.
tossing kids into concentration camps, to own the left
But Ilhan Omar...
She may not vote for the camps, but she sure as fuck is gonna fund ‘em.
remember, boys and girls! the only thing you can do that will get you a rebuke from Nancy Pelosi is saying “yeah I’m not voting for more concentration camps.”
He can leave via exorcism for all I care. Just get out
Why limit it to veterans? There are plenty of non-veteran homeless that need help, too.
shut up tomato.
Agreed. We do not acknowledge whatever the hell it was Adult Swim thought they were doing in 2014.
A secret service guy left it on the hotel dresser for the cleaning staff, and Donald saw it, and took it.
weird how your boy buttigeig isn’t getting any traction, huh. and after he went to all that effort to be a moderate on vaccination, too.
As a Centrist Moderate, I’m on your side. And since I am definitely on your side, you should take my advice and discard the Extreme Leftists in your, I mean our, Democrat Primary and rush to push forward the very kind of sensible, electable candidate that will appeal to everyone by appealing to no one (and vice versa),…
if she came out as being pro-Iraq war he’d probably change his tune
Single stream recycling is a net loss for the business side of the equation. Source separated (i.e. we do it ourselves) is always more profitable for recycling. The business has largely collapsed in the last couple of years due to China halting taking a lot of our recyclables. Every fraction of a penny counts now. We…