
Didn't the director of this film mention that there isn't that much evil queen being featured in the movie and that they included her in the trailers to attract audiences? I think I read it right here on io9. Whenever I came across that line I just thought, "well this movie will sure suck without that much evil queen

They are obviously Mother Nature's "cabinet toys".

Oh I see it! How adorable! Hey little guy.

My brain just got so overwhelmed it is ridiculous.

Well if they end my unlimited grandfathered plan by the time my contract is up, I guess I will pick up one of the new Nexii rumored to be coming out and just hop around with T-mobile or At&t contract free.

I loved this article. Keep up the great work.

It looks okay. The first thing I noticed was Sierra from Dollhouse and I kinda squeed a little.

I want to see Grant(James Wolk) return to the show. He's so pretty to look at.

You actually can do it with the standard web image search. Just drag the picture over to google images and drop it down. BAM! Instant answer.

He's a redhead? O-M-G! He's not bad.

Can we go for Shawarma after?

Maybe the mushroom cloud is for dramatic effect when it comes to nuclear bombs? As for the Geiger counters, I think the government just wanted to make sure they weren't exposed to radioactivity. You can never be too careful (ironic).

So it's dangerous either way. They may bite through their tongue if there's nothing or break their teeth and/or choke on whatever was placed in their mouth. That's sad.

Can you explain to me why we shouldn't put something in a seizing person's mouth? I'm genuinely curious as to how the misconception came to be and why we shouldn't place anything in their mouth.

Chris Evan's ass and torso, Thor's arms, Jeremy Renner's arms, Scarlet Johanson's ass all in glorious 3D. Although it didn't really add anything to the movie.

whining c-word

To anyone who watched the movie over the weekend. What were your thoughts when the villain told Scarlett Johanson she was a "mewling quim"?

Oh lord, imagine if the teenagers of today getting a hold of this information. Well, at least it beats drinking hand sanitizer.

You mewling quim.