Macy's looks more interesting.
Macy's looks more interesting.
AWWWW it looks like a wittle baby!
@The-Simpsons-Rule!!: WAT THE HELL?!?!?
There's a reason why they call them "teaser" and not watever the antonym of teaser might be.
Another man's trash is another man's treasure.
@Pelm: It happens every once in a while, I dont really think it has to do anything with the commenting system. But thats just me.
This changed wayyy to fast!!
The video isn't working for me.
@nhubbell84: Or a big wild party (Reventon).
What if you bring the family along?
All I know is that if I ever become rich, the Aston Martin Rapide will be the 1st luxury car I will buy. C'mon look at it!!! Its very sexy. I also hope those females are included.
I thought it was going to be "Viva La Vida" or something. Boy, was I very OFF!!!
@Triborough: People just dont read the article, do they?
@NovaloadMissesPolar: WOw, someone remembered my electric problem?
@layabout: What the hell is that?
It's Barney on wheels.
Hey Matt,Iguess this means you have electricity?
@smalleyxb122: I really hate you!
Keep the rims.
2002 FTW!!!!!