@NexusSIX: Drake is BaaAAaaack!: That is some awesome editing for the clip.
@NexusSIX: Drake is BaaAAaaack!: That is some awesome editing for the clip.
@Michael Dukakis: You know what, your right...Who does Chesty Jake think he is...standing on his soap box and acting like he is all-showerful.
@Manly_McBeeferton: Yeah, screw those dam building, bucktooth, scaly-tail having....oh..REAVERS...
@rich8606: Shinobi, Stormshadow, Snake Eyes
@wtf_G: It would be far more scary if you were just armed with a FLESHlight and a pistol... I can't picture a scenario where that could end well.
@Veit: Ah, weaknesses are nothing to be ashamed of . The Human race is awash with flaws.
@Frank: Can't wait till he is elected president.
@subnet6: I dunno. I definitely can see mad max references everywhere. But World of Warcraft had mad max references too. And maybe the "apocolyptic" feel is somewhat on target, but misses the mark in quite a few ways.
Ahh, the society envisioned in Idiocracy is nigh.
@subnet6: Um...what about Borderlands even remotely suggested the 50's? Or an apocalypse? or radiation? It was set on a different world, which happened to be filled with Rednecks and midgets. Does not compute, IMO.
@Fernando Jorge: If it was a choice between likely extinction, and factory-style production of babies, I'd say most women would be okay with it. What they may not be okay with is not being able to fight during the time that they were unlikely to have babies (namely a few months after birth, and a week every month etc.)
@Knoxximus Kiryu: Ahh the glory of Turbo Grafix 16. Splatterhouse was my favorite game for quite awhile. It was the goriest game I played until Mortal Kombat 2.
@netMASA: Abacus=Computer, been around since the Sumerians and Mesopotamia AKA before Ancient Egypt.
@Base_Sick: I am all for vegetarianism, and veganism to a lesser extent. But to make a claim that humans were designed to be vegetarian is utter nonsense. It has been shown that a large part of our ancestors, and to a lesser extent, our diet was from the protein sources available through scavenging. There were not…
@超外人: Yeah, but if we are really going into the physics of it. A City Under the Sea almost definitely would not be feasible based on current materials and maintenance costs. Then again, based on any understanding of physics, biology, and reality in general, one should not be able to conjure bees and fire them at…
@Kryptolojik: But DC was among the hardest hit by the Nukes. So it is as much of a desert as Vegas would be
@OW-Holmes cant carry guns: I like your thinking sir.
@Mike Newlad: "God Bless Us, Everyone!"