The Madwoman of Chaillot

Team AirBnb here, but I always only use it for at least 5 days at a time. I just came back from a week in New Orleans where I had an entire house with a full kitchen, washer and dryer, tv, internet - everything I needed, and then some. And the total, including the cleaning fee, was cheaper than me staying in a hotel. is Alison Bechdel not verified on Twitter?!???

Can I just say that it is so lovely to see two commenters being kind to each other on what could have otherwise been a very toxic thread? You guys both rock!

Watching this made me so happy.

You’re an idiot.

Thanks, I hate it.

What in the actual fuck is wrong with you?

...or maybe Kourtney is having fertility issues because she’s in her 40s.

Shut up, McConaughey. No one needs your empty platitudes. We know you’re still gunning (yes, I wrote that on purpose) for a political seat.

By the way, Maintenance Phase is seriously one of the best podcasts out there. It’s smart, funny, informative, and the hosts - Aubrey and Michael - have an incredibly dynamic chemistry.

A note about Chameleon podcasts (they have a number of series’): You have to pay for access to some of the episodes. Which I did, because I really liked “Wild Boys,” but I was unaware that they would ask me to do so.

Tell me you don’t understand power dynamics without actually telling me that you don’t understand power dynamics.

I’ve been listening to this podcast for a few months now, and I have to say that it’s one of my favorites. For those who *haven’t yet listened, Isa and Amanda don’t say that everything is an actual cult. They strip down each subject thoughtfully (and funnily, I might add), talk about all of the parts involved, then

Yeah, that was kind of bitchy of me. My apologies for sounding...well, like I did.

Nah, you’re right. I’m in the process of purging my entire house. I now have two empty rooms.

WRONG on Pisa.

As someone who is FROM Pisa, this is so, so untrue. You think Pisa is just the Leaning Tower? Do you also think that Philadelphia is just the Rocky steps? Grow up. Pisa is amazing. And two of its ‘suburbs’ (province) are STUNNING beaches and restaurants and shops. And if you want more culture, guess what? PISA HAS IT.

I’m not a fan of his, but fair is fair: that tattoo USED to say “Winona Forever” when he and Winona Ryder were an item. And when they broke up, he got it modified.

Yes. You just order it “wit.”

...are you even in Philly? Because I am, and it had DAMMED WELL be an Amoroso’s roll.