The Madwoman of Chaillot

I don’t know who you’re talking about, but this GenX-er (and everyone she knows) has always known that Blazing Saddles is a work of satirical genius.

Bardem is almost two decades older than Desi was at this point in his life.

I hate that I know this, but Travis and Kourtney are neighbors, and have been friends for YEARS. They’ve had family dinners with their respective others and children, and (I think?) their kids go to the same schools. So them as a couple isn’t all that surprising. And it seems genuine to me.

GAH!!!  I was not expecting to see tripe! (horks)

I, too, frequently eat salad for breakfast. With a soft-boiled egg. I like to dress it with a bit of black salt and Meyer lemon olive oil. BECUASE THAT ISH IS DELICIOUS.

I’m Italian (from Italy), and I’m just here to holler a big “HOOOORAY!!!” from the rooftops that folks are loving/making taralli. They are so, so, SO good. Thank you for this!

Spoiler:  She *is* dumb.

Grimes is beyond cringe. She is peak Pick Me Girl.

Wipes!  I always carry a few wipes with me on race day. 

The real moral of the story here is that yelling at your director works out sometimes if you do it with conviction and fearlessness in your heart and also if you’re white.

Maybe click on the link.


That guy needs a good yeet into the sun.

I drink through a (reusable) straw (I prefer my tea iced), and as long as the straw is placed far enough back in the mouth (so that the liquid doesn’t come in contact with your teeth), you can drastically reduce the amount of staining.

You can buy them without salt, too. :)

Underwire bras! Or, really, any bra. You want to spend all that money on a hooter holder, just to have it warp/have the elastic die?

I say this for every woman (not “female,” you underdone potato) who has ever had the misfortune of encountering you, either online or in life:

If y’all aren’t following @drewafualo on TikTok, you are missing OUT. 

I’d argue that “Queen” *is* the gender-neutral version. :)

SAME. Ughhh.  I was followed, mysteriously unfollowed, and now I wallow.