I expect nothing less, comment-wise, from a person whose username is “law&fastfoodorder.”
I expect nothing less, comment-wise, from a person whose username is “law&fastfoodorder.”
I weep for the future of the world.
Hi. Decades in veterinary medicine and owner of a rescue here. There’s a difference between “likes to be outside” and “being forced to LIVE outside.” The former is fine. The latter is not. In addition, this person was using her dogs to guard/patrol her property. You know what is more reliable than a dog? A security…
Actually, I’ve worked in veterinary medicine for almost two decades, and I run a rescue. So,actually, I know fucking LOT about dogs. You want to try again?
The article says he lived outside. That lady doesn’t deserve him.
He looks like he’s dying from the inside out.
...and I say this as someone who has run 7 half-marathons:
Look, I don’t much like Melania either, but that just seems rude.
I will love you ‘till the end of time for giving me “pube pickle.”
I’m really sorry you had to go through that. <3
It’s good. Bring tissues.
I will happily take you up on that bet. With interest. Hate on Lady Gaga are you want, but it doesn’t erase the fact that she has made a massive, lasting, and un-erasable mark on pop music.
Come. Sit next to me. *Pats bench*
This is the correct take.
EXCUSE YOU, but I was Yitzhak in a production of that show that ran for almost a decade and I DEMAND that you take that back IMMEDIATELY.
Oh, man. I was really rooting for Jael. She had a shit go at life.
This is the wisest of decisions.
I’m landing firmly in the “go home” camp on this one.