Wealth of Some Nations

Amen, thanks so much for sharing.

Sums things up rather nicely.  Thx for sharing this.

And again Sanders sets the bar.

Exactly that. It’s been sold as the American dream to people who are living a nightmare.

Meanwhile, the attitude of the average GOP voter earning less than $45K, when the GOP and Fox News rant against increasing taxes on people earning more than $10M...

...and fail violently.

Hey Nazi I just dismissed, I wouldn’t piss on you if you were on fire.

What the fuck are you talking about, motherfucker? 

There’s a solid bit of Nazi fetishism in the ideological history of the RSS, which is the parent group of the BJP.

You got one too!

Switch a few nouns and this bigoted motherfucker sounds like my German great-uncles, who were actual Nazis.

Please dismiss your Hindutva troll. 

Note to lurkers, this is what a hindu fascist looks like.

Modi is a god damned fascist too. Fuck them both.

This fucking bitch ass, he’d be a fucking obscure nobody that no one had reason to listen to if it weren’t for his mother and he has the fucking nerve to pull this shit?

Even government-run prisons create financial incentives. They are used to buy votes with promises of correctional jobs in rural areas. They feed union dues to unions that lobby for more prisons. Make no mistake, something that’s not a business can still have a business model, and the prison-industrial complex depends

Bari Weiss and Brett Stephens would like to remind you that while this is all certainly unfortunate, some people on the left have suggested the Israeli government is doing bad things, and as such the problem really lies on both sides.

One of my favorites, and her statement against the death penalty is a great move to restore some of her progressive creds which took a hit when she sorta betrayed the squad by voting for the anti BDS bill. Surprised the hell out of me; once again proving how corrupt black politics is becoming. Why do so many black

I was unfortunately really disappointed with her vote in support of banning the BDS movement (the only one of the ‘squad’ to do so) this week followed by a mealy-mouthed defense.