
I'm really hoping there's NOT a goateed version of me out there....AWKward....

@xaronax: I lol'd like I've never lol'd before.

Pretty sure the title of this post is a banned phrase here...I'm now confused about what I can say...

The end of that jump rope looks like a tampon.

These high school groups will soon be receiving RIAA notices about unauthorized performances....

@beezzzkneez: I got the HPV vax at 30 y/o. You can get it at any age - it's considered off label, though. My insurance even paid for it at my age. Local places like your Walgreens may not give it to anyone over 25 because their nurses cannot perform things "off label".

@AmphetamineCrown: Actually, the problem is that you can't use them for very long before they become "dirty". In my home state this is taught when you are licensed for food safety. Wooden "peels" and such are used for pizza but they are specially prepped and if they crack they get tossed. No exceptions.

@Marlow: have to admit I love my mom and like when she signs things "mom"

That massive gaping chunk missing from the surface of the one panel would be a catch for food and other organic debris. Also - wood does absorb and hold organic liquids and materials. You cannot use this stuff to prepare and eat foods...ever. ESPECIALLY raw meat!!! Very dangerous article, Lifehacker.

From the website - Apple charges to repair cracked screens..."This will cost you $199 to fix an 8GB iPhone, and $299 to fix a 16GB iPhone 3G to repair your phone for you". How does Apple figure the memory chip affects the glass price??? And for a HUNDRED EXTRA DOLLARS? What????

Yeah - I hate to add an unproductive comment but that dock looks like ass.

@Parenthetical: @curiousgeorgiana @thehighshelf I'm red faced over the people here who think that protocol is more important than dignity and respect for our fellow man. Pomp and circumstance can come later.

@Parenthetical: I'd be pissed if somebody didn't help me after falling because of appearances. It shows a bad side of our behavior as a culture /re-iterated fail/

What - none of those big strong military types behind her want to step forward and give her a hand up? Epic /fail/