The Honey Badger

Someone needs to add that boat to this picture ASAP!


....and it still only has seating for 2 comfortably.

"Destroy the old world Chinese Cultural Revolution poster"

"It's an eyelash, its right in there do you see it? Get it out! Owwwwweeeee!"

Whatever it is, it would not have license plates (because they are too bulky) and its charging station would be a handicap parking spot.

Proud to say I have owned 1 each of the first four. Now time for the rest.

#cotd !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Does this work for animals too?

"I just want to tell you both good luck. We're all counting on you."

Someones been living in the Autozone accessories isle.

Got this one for $6.99, it also uses pistons.

8ʌ ɔʇb ןɐʇuǝuıʇuoɔ ʎǝןʇuǝq ˙51

Don't let him fool you...he is the most feared Apple Ninja in Beverly Hills!

Snake Oil will probably work too.....its just squeezing the snakes eeeeewwwwww!


If he was rolling in the Rambrogreenee Abentodoooor, this would be a non issue.

Ohhh Dr. Z!