The Honey Badger
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I will just say, if you haven't seen "Ronin", you are missing out on life. This is one of the best movies ever made. The car chase scene alone is worth watching it for.

Yes, YESSS! My plan is working perfectly!

"No questions. No answers. That's the business we're in. You just accept it and move on."

I'd be all on the kill AA bandwagon if my buddy didn't just get a job there. He just texted me and said its going to be an interesting day. He just has the worst luck.

I got all I need with a single washing machine.

Change title to "This watch makes time lamer"

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I bet its for sale at Pacific BMW now....


guess it deepens on the house =)

It took like 3-4 hours, I think 80%?

It was released through this makeshift set of metal fins. You could smell it and feel the heat. This was done at IIHS by the way, not my personal car.


That battery scares me, if you could have seen it discharge at our facility, it was crazy. You could feel the heat from 200 ft away. The GM guy said it was enough to power a house for a few days.

Thanks Ray. When we crashed our Volt, we had a GM battery specialist come out and discharge it. That was pretty intense. That battery is huge!

Ray do you have anymore info on the Volt batteries story? At least a link to the latest developments?

Lets be honest....this is what killed the Maybach.

Hey buddy.