The Honey Badger

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Hey Chevy, I would rather have the Nissan, so why don't you make like a tree.....

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Why cant this be a real place? I wish I was a billionaire, I would set up a track that anyone could drive my cars on.

yup, we left them in cause they are sweet!

total awesomeness is what happened!

v-tec is dangerous......yo....

I got a real life wallpaper that I see every day....except mine is missing a few parts...


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Its dec-O-ration yall, thats it and thats all just fo de-O-ration yall....

Yes you are correct....I should have never sold my 540i =(. I die a little inside every time I see one.

I guess I would rather have a door problem then show up at the Ferrari dealer with this....

7 miles? He said it was all highway! Any FXX over 6 miles is a money pit!


I think your right....

Yea I crash test cars for a living...I know me some headrests.

with those headrests I say Volvo...

I just put it on mute =)


it is sad that more then half of this crowd wont get it....