The Honey Badger

They already look like shit....or am I missing the point?

You know what, Van, if you want me to wear 37 pieces of flair, like your pretty boy over there, TheAntiCat, why don't you just make the minimum 37 pieces of flair?

check out jalopnick, I just got comment of the day! I think if you go to one of the sites you can heart me there.

HAA!! Thanks guys! This is awesome....I had waaayyyy too much caffeine today.....and time obviously. Can I get a star? Pretty please =)

Call random phone numbers!

Hurry! We have to get the president to Gay Tony's disco!!

I loved my MX5, but I had it when I was in Italy, and they don't have it there so every time I drove through my town, all the little kids would point and yell "Gran Turismo, Gran Turismo!!"

Back in 1997, this was my daily was my 3rd car. I was 19.

yes....yes I was.



I think I am fine at sea level...

Good evening, Clarice.


Yes only the important stuff please.....


Now playing

Thought of this right away.....NSFW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"Faces of Steroids"