The Honey Badger

Better then My Wedding invitation.....

My team will win for sure.....whooooo heeeeeee whoooooo heeeeeeeeee


Mine does whatever the hell it wants to do. Its like taking directions from my 3 year old.

Why are we trying so hard to make real life a video game?

She may have had more luck with a credit card...

I swear thats not my GTR your Honor.

Why is youtube the ultimate place for idiots? I dont get it....

Is he doing that on the side of a highway?

I'll take 9 of them. 10 is just a waste of money.

Did this get hit on the front end? Did it get fixed? I cant tell....

Thats how it will stab you in the head....

So they will track you with the Google app, now with Money. There is no place to hide my friends, it is the end times.