The Honey Badger

@RubiksCube: Stab in the dark...Steve Jobs?

Now playing

I see your BMW and raise you the best sounding Honda Civic I have ever heard....

Invention needed!

@SpikeJnZ - Shomer Shabbos: He must be downshifting too fast, and the trans cant handle the speed at a lower gear - I dont believe the car would spin like that normally by slowing down....


I didn't know you can rent the Delorean???!?!? I checked it out for 2 days they want $4k. Maybe I could sell one leg?

@Enorym: "Sooo sorry my you mind taking care of the bill whilst I warm up the Jaaaaaaaaaaggggg?!?!

Shit! I put my number in and it didn't do anything.....I am totally screwed.

Canadian HTT Pléthore LC-750 Sports Car

Looks like Cobra commander and Darth Vader had a love child....

Yoooo! Got one in Pimp lime green playa?!?

Gotta love Mother Russia!

Axl aint got nothing.......

Hope she took advantage of the HOV lane....

both hideous

@metronome49: Thank you. The clouds have parted now.

Better cause your at Google? Or gay?