I wouldn't be surprised if Trump and Pence don't get along. But even if they don't, Trump will still do whatever it takes to placate the Jesus freaks in the GOP base.
I wouldn't be surprised if Trump and Pence don't get along. But even if they don't, Trump will still do whatever it takes to placate the Jesus freaks in the GOP base.
Fuck you, The Killing!
You are gravely underestimating the magnitude of what we are dealing with. Donald Trump clearly isn't a true believer(I wouldn't be surprised if he's actually an atheist) and has little interest in actually governing. Which is why Mike Pence is scary. The man is theocratic zealot and he will likely hand pick the right…
Donald Trump has a long history of predatory behavior toward women. Does that not bother you?
"The liberals" aren't responsible for creating the bigotry in this country. People have a right to be angry that an unrepentant misogynist bigot has been elected President of the United States. Donald Trump is not a normal politician. His instability and open contempt for the rule of law pose an existential threat to…
Hey, you're preaching to the choir. It should have been done away with a long time ago. But it would require amending the amending the Constitution and doing that is far easier said than done.
A younger candidate might be nice but she'd only be a year older than Trump is now. I don't think it would be that much of a problem.
That was when she thought Clinton was going to be President. The situation has changed. Right now, she's the only candidate who I can picture as the future of the Democratic Party.
This isn't the time for "Both Sides"-ism. This line of thinking is what helped normalize a bigoted, authoritarian reality TV star's Presidential campaign and got him elected.
Elizabeth motherfucking Warren!
It can be two things!
Classic Democrats!
I blame plenty of people for this election. But the Electoral College is an inherently undemocratic system. I refuse to respect it.
38 faithless Electors could vote against Trump. The Constitution doesn't forbid it. If his supporters are unhappy about it then they can cry me a fucking river. He had fewer voters than Clinton.
Donald Trump is an unhinged, racist, misogynistic, authoritarian demagogue who poses a grave threat to this republic and who the majority of Americans voted against. His election is an accident of geography and our archaic system of electing Presidents. He doesn't deserve anyone's respect.
Trumpy, you can do stupid things!
Well, considering he didn't even get the most votes, I'm not sure it is.
Now more than ever, humanity needs my Back To The Future fan fiction!
Thank God a bloviating, middle aged white man is here to lecture us!
I'm also mad at them. I have enough anger to go around.