Too Grey to Function

Hey “Too Grey” ... go take a long walk on a short pier.

Writes article, yet cannot do any research... I have been explaining this to people all day. Silencer is movie-speak.

ya know in all seriousness despite your desperation to divide the world, I still can’t see how y’all can call this motherfucka fascist he’s gay, Jewish, an immigrant and dates and fucks exclusively black men........ Jesus fuck man you’re supposed to be shouting unity, understanding, friendship, not raising children to

I’m trying to decide whether to star this post, because I can’t decide if you’re serious, or if you’re sarcastically making fun of the absurd gun-lobby argument that if a news reporter screws up “automatic” and “semi-automatic” or “magazine” and “clip” then all the facts that reporter just reported are wrong.

Flash suppressor minimizes the visible blast from the barrel.

Ya but nothing he said was racist at all. And there wasn’t even a racial aspect to the crime you’re upset about. Maybe insensitive but in ZERO way racist.

Yea, but how was that original comment racist?

says the racist bigot

How was that racist?

Like Lisa Lampenelli.

Should be noted that silencers aren’t illegal now. They just require a tax stamp, approval from your local sheriff, and time (usually about a year wait time to get all the T’s crossed and I’s dotted).

What this bill will do is allow you to walk into a gun store, pass the background check (same as you do when buying a

I dont agree with the silencers bit at all..but..“as if allowing folks access to automatic weapons wasn’t enough” - it is not legal to own a fully automatic firearm... 

I think many people who call Milo and Ben Shapiro white supremacists and Nazis have never actually listened to a full interview by either one of them.

You forgot to mention the fact that EVERYONE in Spain should be voting on this, not just the people who want independence. Otherwise you end up with Petoria.

Hamilton Nolan: Advocate of the Confederacy?

You need a special and very expensive permit to own a fully automatic weapon. Most that have them are illegal, and aren’t law abiding citizens obviously. I urge you to go out and see how easy buying an automatic weapon is lol.

That was clearly a modified illegal weapon DUMBASS

I can kill aperson with my bare hands. You gonna go around banning hands? Or cars? Last i hear people were being mowed down by cars. Guns aren’t the problem. MORALS are.

LVMPD tracked the suspect to the 32d floor of Mandalay Bay, made an explosive breach, and killed the suspect. There’s a person of interest along with two vehicles registered to the suspect. Suspect was a local resident.

So he likely murdered someone years ago and then led police on a freeway chase.