Too Grey to Function

Did I arrive too late for the “Planet Fitness isn’t a real gym” comments?

Me too.

DACA was always going to be temporary. Its a miracle it lasted as long as it did, to be honest. Why are people acting like it was some kind of ironclad sacred cow now? The name says it all: “deferred action”.

It’s still the branch of government meant to write laws. Call them! Even if you think it’s futile.

This is what I’ve been posting. Challenged in court the DACA would’ve been killed without the grace period.

Am I losing my mind here? Every white person is racist? This is OK now to make blanket statements about millions of people and expect zero blow back? If this is the hill she expected to die on and make a name for herself with, super. But for those of us that are not try-hard but actually trying, go fuck yourself.

“...saying that she was misquoted and also her words were taken out of context.”

and that’s why 94% of us who voted supported HRC.

Honestly, this conversation starts to feel like trolling. “ALL white people are racist.” “No we aren’t” “Oh my god, you are horrible for being insulted as an entire race.” I personally think it is a completely ineffective way to have a conversation, if you are trying to have a conversation.

She’s talking about you and your dumb liberal ass.

I’m really glad she got fired. This attitude is creating a serious race problem.

She was fired for HER racism.

Good, fuck her

When I was laid off in 2015, I received info about COBRA (and even HR was like “It’s pricey though.” It was a complete non-factor; I couldn’t afford it) but not about the ACA. I Googled to find the ACA number, called, then was like “I just got laid off and will lose my coverage by [date]. Please tell me what to do.”

Another intentionally uninformed article from the gawkerverse.

Please look up Andrew Jackson’s battle against the central bank. He defeated the banking interests and they would not return to power until 1913. This is why it was sought to remove his image from the money. Picking Tubman was just to make it easier. To

The correct way, you mean? ;) LOL. Yep. I’m British. We do not understand guns. (Because we ban them and actually enforce those laws.)

It’s one of those terms like “woke” itself, “male gaze”, etc that had a more specific original meaning (whether or not you disagree with what it), but that’s been broadened and weaponized in the never-ending, more-holier-than-thou status competition among the internet social left. It’s kind of like how I’ve seen

Those who live in “Yas” houses shouldn’t throw stones.

Wouldn’t cultural appropriation have to be an actual thing for it to be endorsed?

Almost time for me to culturally appropriate some tacos for lunch. I’m so hungry right now.