Too Grey to Function

Bro, do you even lift? Your arms should make your arms look good.

Would they be meeting in some kind of Roger Rabbit or Space Jam universe where cartoon characters can interact with people?

I think they’d call it pro- personal responsibility.

Is this really an issue? If it is, Fred Perry should ask themselves why these types are attracted to their shirts.

Oh God! 15! Glad I don’t have instagram. You should probably burn your computer and change your address. Just to be safe.

Superbugs aren’t too concerning. We are not familiar with them but at the same time they are not familiar with humanity. Diseases don’t jump species very often.

Anybody else already board with teen week?

If Harvard wants any say in how these clubs are run they need to start funding them. Otherwise the school needs to take the stick out of their ass.

....realize it’s fiction and enjoy. That’s what you meant, right?

I guess haters gonna hate.

I think you’re wrong. She would be recognized as Lady of Winterfell (LOW) as Ned’s only known living heir or nothing at all. You can look at it from the perspective of The North or the Iron Throne.

One way or another they will. All men must die.

Read the books. You’ll get sucked back in.

True, it didn’t happen to Sansa in the book. However, worse happened to her friend Jeyne Poole. Way to not even mention her Aimée.

Wouldn’t cost more if the people enforcing it are salaried and exempt from OT.

Does the job have to meet certain requirements? By the time I graduated high school I had 3 jobs. Worked in a restaurant, drove a delivery route for a small company and umpired baseball/softball games. Do those count under the plan?

This is a stupid plan. But shouldn’t your support come from your family instead of the government? What support are you envisioning?

Could always forward their info to ICE?

Companies hire on the expectation that you will have your diploma. The same way a college accepts you on the condition that you finish high school. And how people get jobs before they graduate college.

You picture of Rahm giving you the middle finger. He signs it: “You’re welcome!”