Too Grey to Function

Get out of your own head and get some rocky road. Don’t worry about other peoples’ thoughts. If they say or do nasty shit then worry about it.

I’m not mad. I’m just disappointed.

If the school doesn’t find out about it you don’t get in trouble. How is this a hard concept. You’d think someone going to Harvard would be smarter with who they allow to see their online information. I should have been expelled several times but because the school didn’t find out there were no problems.

Hahaha ,$745.6 million. That’s why genius.

For most of human history most things have smelled like ass. Even today many places continue to smell like ass.

By how much and on who? Would you cut spending at all?

Where are you working now? Hope you moved up.

What departments would you guys cut and what would you cut from them to help the U.S. balance the budget?

I’m sure he will be in a barn one day. But the barn will be on Mars.

Why would Tesla want to keep this person? It’d be much easier to hire someone with similar qualifications.

Hahaha. That’s not specifically against the rules but I think it’s frown upon.

Could they build it right next to the existing pipeline?

Sorry ladies but the patriarchy sent all us men an email and said we had to be mad about this. Some guys have taken it too far. As a personal protest, I’m going to the gym then watching porn.

Make sure you have the mall’s consent before you hug it.

Meh...what is the attraction to shows like this? I’ll stick with reruns of Cops and South Park.

In Canada everything will soon be considered discrimination. America’s Hat is funny that way.

Dude! Editors and fact checking are expensive. More importantly it would stifle the writers creative spirit.

This comment section smells like old lady pants.

Very sad. Could the child survive the flight to the U.S.?