The Grey King

Bread and circuses!

If these are the real numbers they are not as bad as I thought. based on the articles I read I would have put the percent lost at 10% or more. Still too damn many. Need to improve situations in their home countries if this is going to stop.

My school was in a very bad part of town. Even when cops came to bust up our fraternity parties they almost never wrote tickets. There’d usually be gunshots a few blocks over and the cops would have to leave. Bigger fish to fry.

Cats are awesome. They are also silently plotting your murder.

I questions the reliability of statistics from Iran and Vietnam. How accurate is the data from tribal regions of Iran and jungle villages of Vietnam? I’m guessing they do like China does with education. Probably only report the statistics from large population centers.

Here that ladies? Put down the fork and go for a run. Actually, that should be advice to anyone overweight.

Boom! Roasted.

Weight is completely controllable for almost everyone. Getting fit would save billions of dollars a year. On another note, there really should be a fat tax.

You sound butthurt. Have you tried not being a bitch? Enjoy positions based on your feelings. If you want facts you can check my asshole. I’m sure you’ll like it, it’s spectacular.

I think I made someone mad, triggered even.....I’ll respect your safe space. Enjoy your emotionally cozy fact free environment. Byeeeeee.

Now you’re talking about trains. You’re derailing. My comment was in reply to someone that said “Yeah, now “we” have tanks.” That statement is not true.

I’m not your dude, bro.

Check your bias shit stain, I’m Arab. Details matter. Tanks and armored vehicles are completely different classes of vehicles. It’s more like the difference between an SUV and a Mack truck.

So work to change the public perception. Police are doing what they’ve been trained to do. Give police more, and better deescalation training. Problems won’t get fixed over night. It’s going to take time and a lot of $$$.

Guess you like the kool-aid.

I can’t answer your question. I don’t know how many other planets have American cities. I think you’d have to add some variables to the Drake equation to figure it out.

So, he’s a politician. Seems pretty standard.

Boom! Roasted.

Shut up with your reasoning skills.

Probably made the honor role.