Too Grey to Function

Either I’m misunderstanding your comment or you really need to check your math. 3.25x10^8 * 1x10^7 = 3.25 x 10^15 >>> 1.4 x 10^11. He could give everyone about $430.

They could have told him to fuck off. But they didn’t. Because they believed his value to their community was bigger than the cost of not paying taxes. This is how markets work.

No one works that hard to get laid. Your first billion is sufficient.

Pretty sure she did this to gain her 15 minutes. She seems to be pretty easily accessible. 

yeah just like the people who get to have an opinion around here... lol... I was actually out of the grey on lifehacker and then they posted something about “how to responsibly share information on ICE raids” and I suggested that maybe there was no responsible way to share that information since it would put ICE

Your counterparts across the industry—not just at newspapers like the New York Times, but at online media shops like GMG—are getting substantially better contracts than you.

Wait, so she was just carrying notes around in case that she ran into him? I doubt her husband just pointed out that he just so happened to be sitting at the same restaurant with them. Seems like a set up of some kind. I mean, I believe that she meant what she was saying to him, it’s just weird that she had notes.

At least she didn’t make Scott listen to her triangle solo.

See!  I’m not the only one who walks around with handwritten talking points on the off chance I run into an administration official!

Does this mean we can go where she decides to dine and urge her to resign from her job at the hair cuttery for all of her terrible decisions and taking money from big shampoo??

Just watching this now I realized she is a young female Gilbert Gottfried. Take that as compliment or insult as you will.

Her voice irritated me until I watched her HBO special and she made fun of her own voice which sort of made it charming to me. IDK

Eh, I fucking hated the ACA, mainly because all the shit I thought it would do (drive up premiums/deductibles, not actually fix a fucking thing wrong with the system, fail to address cost of care) ended up happening.

One thing that all of these missives on why abolishing ICE is fundamentally bad politics have in common is that they’re based on nothing but gut instincts. Right now, we have no idea what people think about the idea, because as the Washington Post noted on Friday, there has been no extensive polling done on ICE

Clearly the readers are the ones calling. That’s how voicemail works.

I guess they were moved by the “Civility is for Losers” post

So you’re calling for civility?

Across the board, men made, on average, 9.3% more than women doing the same job.

My go-to! Only without the weights.

Aside from background checks (which are in place already); being unable to purchase a firearm if you have a history of domestic violence, etc. (which is in place already); unable to purchase a firearm if you’re a felon (already in place); what other regulations do we think we need?