
Underwear Story Time! My mom buys everyone underwear for Christmas, a parental leftover that became a long-running joke, that become possibly the best thing we adult kiddos receive each year. It’s the best. Being to only lady in the bunch, she gets me a gift card to a store of my choosing instead. For YEARS it was

My weirdest wedding shower story was for a shower I never ended up attending, it was the invitation that was so weird!

Someone get that girl a bomb-ass pixie cut!

I tried nudging them gently with the Pizza to the Polls link. When they asked through smirks what toppings were available I snapped “fucking pineapple, now go vote! It’s important to people who aren’t you”. So done.

Savannah is my second home (lived there for 2 years)! Sending Stacey Abrams ALL the good vibes from back in MA

I’m honestly concerned. I live in MA which is blue as it is, and my area is typically DEEP blue. But the rotary on my way to work was littered with republican congressional and senatorial signs plus a bunch of *entirely too fucking early* Trump signs.

YAY for Savannah stories! You are right, it has definitely earned its nickname! My husband and I lived there when we were dating and I was going to SCAD. We lived in two apartments, one not haunted but in a super troubled neighborhood, and one haunted one right off Broughton St on Oglethorpe Square. We preferred the

OMGG!! I love this. One of my best friends’ kid, my “nephew” so to speak, has had a few of those moments. While there could be other explanations for these moments, I still swear he’s got a bit of the shining:

Ahem... awful dusty in here... <3

This story made me all misty! I feel like your grandmother and mine would be great friends

I’m a weeping mess at my desk reading your story. I’m so sorry! That’s so incredibly scary! Sending you love and light especially after *ahem* recent current events.

Holy shiiiit! All of this is horrifying. I’m so sorry this happened. Glad you got out and he didn’t know where to find you!

I just got chills!

Wow!! That’s incredible. What a way to head out <3

That’s exactly how we feel about it!

I finally found this thread early early enough to *maybe* not be totally buried! The most intensely creepy thing that’s ever happened to me is also the most oddly beautiful.

being in the back seat while the driver was pleasured” is an interesting way to phrase what I just described.

I’ve been thinking about this a lot. About my worst experience being sexually assaulted, which was when I was in high school. I’ve spent years trying to put it out of my head because “at least I wasn’t raped”. But the person who did it to me is an extremely privileged, connected white dude who absolutely could end up