The Gaysian


Nah, he’d bring his mom and I’m not into that kind of play...

Thank you! My grandson is currently reading this for his English class and he HATES it for many of the reasons you stated. We had a family friend, a young man my grandson adored, who committed suicide a couple of years ago and he feels very strongly that this book trivializes the very real struggles of those with

Yes, please

Absolutely. I think part of the execution fail is that when Hannah recounts the rape scene, and there is no discussion of how it was not okay for her to reveal that without her friend’s consent especially when she lists this friend’s behavior in another case as one of the reasons. I don’t really remember there being

would bang.

I completely agree. I was so annoyed reading the book, thinking it sent out such an unhelpful message to teens who might be experiencing mental health issues. There is so much more help and hope out there than the book conveys. It makes me mad thinking that such a poorly written book has gotten so much attention when

Mmmmm, Anthony was such a handsome young man.

I liked this book because I can never put it down. I’ve read it 3 times over the years and each time I stay up till 3 am reading. I find the pacing quite good. Also I liked that the main character is flawed. The first time I read it I couldn’t decide if I even liked her as a person. However it’s not perfect and a lot

Yeah, I think a big part of the problem is that the author privileged the story’s idea (“She’s going to send these tapes to everyone that ever hurt her!”) over any kind of narrative logic or being true to the characters.

My biggest problem with the book (erm, spoiler alert!) is the part where Hannah sends the tapes to her ex-friend, then reveals that this ex-friend was raped at a party. The ex-friend was either drugged or blackout drunk (I forget) and probably didn’t remember this occurring. So now not only does she know (thanks to

I kind of like the premise as a weird horror movie that might be better than unfriended was. But I guess she doesn’t like torture them in a brutal manner similar to how they verbally tortured her? I think that’s where my head went reading the post.

Yeah, I remember a weird vibe where the narrator (who had a crush on the dead girl) gets all sad because he thinks she’s a slut, and then when it turns out that a bunch of dudes just lied about having sex with her, he likes her again. And that’s just one of the weird vibes in it. “Toxic” is the perfect word.

Yeah, I agree. It seemed like the author just wanted to write a shocking “issues” book. None of the topics were handled very sensitively (rape, in particular)

Well that negates another comment I made about it being a teenager character show meant for young adults. Damn.

Well it’s not on TV, so there is that. It sounds more like a show with teens which is meant more for young adults and not Tweens. Granted Netflix seems to think Happy Tree Friends is kid appropriate because it’s a cartoon, so who knows what youngin’ will start watching this inadvertently.

It’s supposed to act as a lesson to kids to get them to consider how they’re actions affect the people around them. An “issues” book. The book is still really popular and often required reading in school. I haven’t read it in years, I liked it at the time and I totally understand why teenagers like it, but yeah...

Ugh, I remember reading this book when it starting gaining attention and it’s so very toxic. Not in a dark and gritty, interesting way but in an over the line Stephanie Meyer manner that you know tweens would just eat up.

It’s definitely a weird subject to have a tv show be about. It’s one thing to do with a book - yet I feel like the author undermined his message about bullying victims by essentially making the victim a creepy sociopath (I don’t think she’s supposed to come off that way, but I left the book with that vibe).

I thought that book was dumb. But I might watch the series.