The Gaysian

Where is Eileenhudsonetcetc to crow about how great it is to be gay?

Terrible. Just... nope, nope, no.

That is sooo disgusting.

I’ve always loved the idea that minority groups have some magic lock on empathy.

This is horrible. And he is a shitbag. Sorry you had to be part of this convo. On the bright side a lot of men aren’t racist shitbags, so... I dunno... Keep on truckin’?

A lot of people do smell like what they eat. I am one of those people whose pores emit my last meal or two very strongly. I love garlic and red wine, and my body makes sure that everyone knows it. It is obvious enough that if I have an important meeting or a job interview, I eat mostly produce and bread beforehand.

good response to the post.

“It’s not me. It’s them.”

Excuse me for asking, but... the way they....... smell? First time I see this (I’ve heard the “act” bit before), so I don’t understand.

What a tool. And though this is soooooooo not the point, I think that mixed people are beautiful and interesting, as they bring hope to the complex relations of race. Sorry that happened to you :(


I would like to believe you made that up, but sadly, I believe it is real.

Also weird because: boning your dad was presumably not on the menu for him? And presumably he’d already seen a picture of you at least and decided that you were bone-able? So the relative attractiveness of your dad is not really relevant?

I’ve noticed some white people smell like wet dog.

It’s not cause he’s racist, tho. Nah.

this person is a serious joke.

On the plus side, he could’ve said all that AFTER you’d sucked his dick. I mean, no one should be a racist dickbag, but if you’re gonna be a racist dickbag, let’s get it out of the way early, you know?

The fuck?

is this real life.

The findings make an extremely good case for representation in the media especially for an emotionally diverse as well as racially diverse cast. It would make huge steps in defeating the stereotypes associated with POC, while at the same time show that even within skin color there is a broader range of faces, heights,