The Gaysian

Because they don’t actually care about those things. They care about making sure women never “get away” with things.

This has been an article full of truth-speaking commentators so far. I’m going to run out of appreciation gifs soon.

Yes, to everything but the draft. There isn’t a draft anymore. The armed services are voluntary and women are treated significantly worse than the men.

i admire your patience with this asshat.

Because bitches, man.

Edit: Sorry skipped your last sentence >.> ignore this.

Take a star.

This. Right. Here.

Word! If the MRA movement was actually about mens rights, they would be scrambling to pair up with the feminist movement at lightening speed.

We don’t have the draft either, except maybe for football. 18 yo’s have to register, but that's it.

I don’t think it’s that hard to understand. MRAs don’t actually care about men as a group at all, they are only mad that they as individuals can’t rape, beat, exploit and kill women as much as they could before.

The MRA delusion. The poor eternally victimized male. Yep, my whole life I've heard its a woman's world, and girls will be girls.

Well, considering I decide who I go on dates with, not my parents, I have my own bank account to pay my own bills, and I’m allowed to choose whether or not I get married, PRETTY FUCKING WELL!

1. Had plenty in my day.


Having spent a month on OKCupid, I can assure you there are a fuckton of single men of that age who are probably not getting any dates.

“Hey ladies, [Fuck off]
You are not getting any dates? [Getting plenty, thanks weirdly formally worded poster.] Can’t afford the high condo fees on your own? [I’ve been paying my own bills for over a decade, actually.] You are 30 and still not married? [Why yes, I’m OVER 30 and still not married, and happy as a fucking

I am not a praying person, but holy shit am I hoping with every fibre of my being that the creepbag is ousted. It would be a travesty if he isn’t.

On the bright side, I really do think most people know better and will NOT being voting Harper back in.


I don’t even understand what they’re trying to say with that stupid fucking poster. Are they trying to claim that there aren’t also a shit ton of men who are single, not getting dates, in their 30s and their rent is too high?

Any Canadians still wondering how to vote next month should recall that the Harper Government has not only got ride of the long-gun registry, but made it easier to get high-powered and semi-automatic weapons, and to transport handguns, among other things.