1) Rush
1) Rush
They're just biding their time, working on ways to make it even more obnoxious.
And on an empty stomach! :D I had to take a break for dinner.
Thank you. What you can't see is that I've never used the backspace button so much. Ever.
Ok, I'm jealous. Stephen Hawking is awesome.
Slightly drunk at 9:20? I was quite drunk by 7:00. I decided to do a "taste test" between vodka, tequila, regular rum, and spiced rum. Then I decided to try them all mixed with orange juice. I'm typing sooooo slowly in order to be coherent right now.
My youngest niece is 4, and over the last few months, she's gotten old enough to understand I'm family, and a presence in her life that isn't going anywhere. The other day, as I was leaving a quick visit at their house, she piped up and said, completely unprompted, "Bye Uncle [Gadget]! I love you!"
I didn't actively loathe it, but I never did see the fanatical appeal. They had some decently entertaining moments, but not landmark-of-television-history stuff, as far as I was concerned.
Does anyone ever really know what's going on with him any more?
I saw the new Metric in the store today, and snapped it up. Garbage has a new one out too. Looking forward to hearing them both!