The Gadget

Thank you, that's very kind. I don't necessarily feel old (unless I've been exercising). So I'll hang onto that. :)

Yikes. Ok, I'm old then. :|

And if this post is any indication...

Hahahaha! I'd forgotten about that. I really need to watch that movie again. So much good stuff.

Your point about accuracy is well taken, but since there is often a great deal of confusion concerning the "hidden" female genitals (even among some women I've known), I'd like respectfully clarify a note the anatomical comparisons if I may.

Sorry, couldn't help it.

Nah, he's just psyching himself up to stare down the opposing pitcher. ;D

If her rebound guy is handy with a Dremel, she'll be good to go. ;)

Remember to breathe through your eyelids.

If your childhood baseball memories were formed at the Ted, you're even younger than I thought (or maybe I'm older than I thought). o_O

Baseball cat haz moar interest in game than u.

A clearer view.

Yeah, in the context of the scene as I remember it, I think the intern's astonishment at actually seeing a birth in progress left his gaze lingering at the crowning head just a bit too long.

"Just what did you turn on that TV looking for...?"

I, uh... I think I... could be...

I just assumed the answer was "One Miiiiilllllliiion dollars!"

Showing my age a bit here, but I can also remember being secured in similar contraptions (thin plastic straps and all). I think at one point, there was another car seat with a roller-coaster-style bar that swung down in front of me. That was pretty neat (though it didn't inspire any later interest in roller coasters).

And here we have a scene from Tennessee Williams' less successful sequel, "A Streetcar Named Disaster."

Yep, I recall a scene where Dr. Bailey was in mid-delivery of her child, and admonished the intern stuck helping her, "Stop looking at my vajayjay!" I was somewhat bemused at the idea that a medical professional would use it.

Wow. Just... wow.