
I definitely doing that, so that I can have my peace of mind. How does that work?

My sim card is my biggest interest because I want to see all the messages I may have missed, I think an old flame might have reached out to me over text while my phone was fucked up.

I use about 1500 mb to 2000 mb of data in an average month

I’ve done all of that, this is the first time that google has failed to give me the right solution to my problem

My ancient Galaxy S4 phone’s screen just went blank and black, and I can’t see any display. I can hear the notifications vibrating, and the notification light is blinking, but every else is dead. This event has convinced me to get a new cellphone provider, but I’m clueless about it because I’ve always been on

You can’t call him vain for thinking the song is about him, if the song is really about him.

Now all he needs a dominant wing player to play next to, and the Knick’s future is rosy

A guy who thinks I’ll pay money to use Tinder

No, this franchise is the work of the devil

When will this franchise die? I’m 100% convinced that they will continue making these movies even if all the lead characters die a painful death on set. I won’t be surprised if one of the spin-off has a scene with Paul Walker and God drifting in heaven.

The price is a major turn-off, when it comes to Barbour

I actually like the designs from Barbour

That’s the curse of knowing someone who is super tall, and sharing clothing with them. My best friend is about 6’6”, and his clothes make me feel like Peter Pan for some reason.

I’ve always viewed Orvis as the fishing and hunting store for well to do people, who want to look fancy and cultured while spending most of their time just getting drunk like everyone else in the woods.

My family was not super crazy about celebrating any holidays, except for New Year’s eve. So I’m abnormally bacchanalian than your average New Year’s eve enthusiast

Great suggestion

Over-sized jackets are the shit; I used to own an oversize North face Jacket in High School just for huddling purpose.

We’re getting warmer with your suggestion

It’s definitely topcoat styled, but a less formal look and design. I actually like topcoats, so It’s not surprising that I’m in love with this coat.

No suggestion is too weird especially giving the fact that I’m burdening others with my thirst for this jacket.