
While you might be over-simplifying, you have to understand many groups like Boko Haram and nationalist group with active guerrilla units have extremely deep and complicated ties with the areas that they terrorize. While Western security might sounds like a great idea in the short term, it is not great in the

I'll bet my life saving that pre-season football beats the Emmys in rating, especially if big name teams are playing with their starters for a few quarters.

Thinking and working, that's so Un-American.

Because change is hard and sometimes uncomfortable does not mean it is impossible, nothing like others suffering in order to keep my societal reality in check.

Deal with poverty, institutionalized bias/racist policies, limit and/or properly regulate private prisons, move to a rehabilitation based prison system, housing discrimination, adequate funds for prisons, train the people working with prisoners well, pass laws protecting prisoners from abuse and enforce it, stop

This isn't legitimate assault

All female employees have to get a weekly trans-vaginal exam and vagina review done by Dr. Keith Albow.

We've got blondes and brunettes, we're working on getting a red-headed female host; this is part of our comprehensive commitment to diversity.

Like my sophomore year in college, I use to chill in the campus bathroom for a few personal time with myself; anytime people decide to invasion one of my favorite quiet spot around the campus.

As an introvert, sometimes after using the bathroom; I chill in the stall for a little while, if I need space from others.

Count Blacula disapproves

I'm writing this, but I'm not quite sure what I'm writing about. The only thing I'm sure of is the fact that I've been unusually emotional to the point that the emotions make me feel awkward. I've never really had any problems, when it comes to my emotions because I've always been very emotionally secure. The only

I think she would appreciate that joke

Days like this I wish that Obama's death panel that kills elderly citizens was real

As someone who came out of Black vagina, you need to go fuck yourself. I won't even acknowledge the merit of your argument because we all know that shit is bigoted bullshit, and that crap is never rational.

Old people

Because the race of his attacker had nothing to do with the alleged assault, this guy is just a coward; that found out in the moment of truth that his words had bigger balls than his action.

If that's the case, then this guy is not mentally disturbed; he is just a coward. If he believes this crap, then he should be willing to stand behind it.

I can't even summon the energy to be angry at an open racist like this jerk, call me if he claims after all of this that he is not a racist.