The original commenter is full of shit and a little jealousy
Well done BBC
That's the circle of life's misery, one cheesy joke for another cheesy joke. were homeless, and living outta of a car. that must have been hard for teenage "you".
The more you move down, the less it's about Islam to the point that it just boils down to human and societal factors. So your analog fails because the closer you get the problem, the more you see that the answer isn't Islam or the highway, that it is more than Islam. Generalization may sound fun and straight the…
The analog is not apt because even if all the terrorist group are Islamist and take their guard from the divine command school of thought. The truth is that each terrorist group and the people that have to interact with them within a given area, function within a similar, but different dynamics. This is where your…
I'll RSVP if everyone dies during the celebration
It is still a straw man with a false analogy, even within the sects of Islam. Everyone still functions under different societal and personal stimuli. Your lame generalization may work in a direct and well described situation. You do know that there are a lot of Muslim that don't live in the Middle East, and there are…
Growing up this show was one of favorite multicultural, but white narrative view of a present reality. By God I miss all the creative ways, they presented science.
Huckabee can't tone down his crazy
I can see him losing Wisconsin, but he has a great chance in Virginia, Florida, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and etc.
If his Vice presidential run has thought me a lesson about Paul Ryan, he has the ability to turn down his crazy. While independents are not super conservatives, they are also not super progressive.
I think she knows that if she gets into a close race with a Republican candidate, she would not have the edge with independent votes in swing states. In order to win the election she has to win as much swing states as Obama did during his last run, and she knows that taking stabs at Obama will work for that voting…
The people who think Clinton is a shoe-in are the bubble people
What does this proof?
I'm 100% convinced that if Paul Ryan can win the Republican primary, and he faces an unchallenged Clinton. that dude is going to give her a run for her money, she has a better chance beating Jeb Bush, Rand Paul, and Christie than Paul Ryan.