Both really look alike, you can probably add Hillary Duff to this line of celebrity doppelganger.
Both really look alike, you can probably add Hillary Duff to this line of celebrity doppelganger.
I think I'm the only one that watched this video, and wondered how in hell did Emmy Rossum's character in this video missed Bey's character in the shooting scene. what kinda of cop is that from that space between shooter and target, a bullet graze at least. It's not like she was shooting at sub-atomic particles, fuck…
Tom Hanks' son is a douchebag
The horror show when the white and black mix to form a tasty combo, fucking nasty
Call me, if one of her tattoos is a doughnut tattooed around her butt-hole.
One more CRAY-Z headline, and Solange is going to jump out of the mirror; and fuck you up.
If you're a grown adult, and you don't vote then that's your problem. Being a voter for most American is an overrated position because most actual voting demographic are extremely under-informed, partisan to a tribal level, and sometimes really stupid. It's kinda hard to pick a bad guy or a good guy in this situation…
then have fun dealing with BS that you have no hand in creating, I prefer choosing between the BS because I know Republican BS is 100% worse than Democrat BS at least on a national level (the BS blends on the local level). Your point view would be more valid, if we lived in a country with a proper third party system,…
Probably only going to vote for Hilary because the republican party sucks, Hillary is my Romney's choice.
It's like the whole biggie made against the lady that worked for De Blasio, but she was in a relationship with Spitzer; and the stupid outcry and policing that made that lady lose an opportunity that she worked hard for, and deserved over bullshit.
Clinton is a douche no matter how you slice it, and this continuous vilification of Monica is just pointless; attempting to make necessary connections between Hillary and this scandal is just really absurd especially when there are many other things to come out the Clintons on.
Micro-aggressive and racial undertone laced words and statements being used without acknowledging it. For example "I hate rap music/rap is not real music because it's too urban"; that kinda of statement, hope that clears it up for you.
It happened right after the release of her visual album, that chick and her many supporters on Jezebel are fucking delusional. It's so sad that she could not see that it was not about Bey, but all about her.
You have the right not to like Beyonce, and you are free to share that with world. What I'm against is making asinine comments about Beyonce, and hiding behind the claim of legit criticism.