The issue at hand is more complex than Fishermen and their environment vs. Seals and their environment; I blame the fact that the complexities of this issue isn't passed along properly by the headline and shabby writing. Both side genuinely have valid reasons for their stands with unique result. When it comes down to…
I'm disappointed that she did not slap the taste outta his mouth.
It feels like every joke on that show is based on some form of stereotype; the writers of that show are probably aiming for, if we disrespect as much people or group as possible in an uncreative manner, then we're not racist, sexist, or any other "-ist".
Those hypothetical poor elderly white women
Ass ass ass ass ass
Ass ass ass ass ass
Ass ass ass ass ass make that motherfucker hammer time like
Profiling and discrimination is a tool oppress the weak and strengthen the majority. A good police does not need to use irrational judgements and intuition like obscure reality to fight crime. Why are you so worried about "minority" criminals? when criminals comes in all shapes and forms, I'm sure the white criminals…
My problem with stop and frisk isn't the stopping and frisking part, but the fact that it is used as a tool to profile and discriminate instead of its original function of combating crime. That's why this reincarnation must go because it is not fulfilling its main purpose.
Booker is more centrist than progressive, when it comes to his political stance.
I hate the fact that there are millions of articles about liberal/progressive politicians on this site, but little to no articles about their stance on issues. I love seeing pictures of Cory, but I would love even more to see more evidence on his awesomeness on "real" issues.
Too much weed is one of the source of my shitty mem0ry, but at least I had fun enjoying the slow decline.
I never understood binge drinking at a party, it seems a little bit counter-productive to use too much depressant at a hyper stimulating situation.
did anyone expect any different result from a textbook narcissist?
Clap for the Lord with those ass cheeks.
Twerking as the top option for pop reference for teens attempting to set fire to their garments will go on the path that grinding did.
I only twerk for Jesus
Douche-bags comes in all shapes and forms, only ones actions determines ones douche level.
Nobody talks about his purple step-brother.
It's funny how Saul and Mike are the weird voice of reason in this show, and my two favorite characters.
I hope this whole article doesn't get delete, this article can used as a learning experience for many.