The Delanator

@AkiraGr: People are not considered a commodity in Socialism

@Cygnar: It's a game. It's fantasy. Deal with it.

@AkiraGr: Personally, I hate communists, communism and dislike and pinko sympathisers. I mean, it's only responsible for more than, what, 50 million deaths?

Suck it, commies.

Rampage was pretty good. Very well cast - the actors definitely brought it up a notch. Plus the scene in the bingo hall was great.

Make it take place in the future. I loved the over-the-top story of MW2 and the rediculous Black Ops story (it's insane, really).

@buddhatooda: Nine-months-from-now's headlines: Japanese birth rates continue to fall.

Ha ha, a scion being called "classy."

@Philippe Audet: Cute. You're saying anyone with a job anywhere

Rampage is actually... pretty damn good. Not amazing, but with the right acting talent he could make some cool stuff.

Actual blackberry guy is way too handsome.

So far, I'm loving the single-player in COD: Black Ops.

@UniquelyCliche: You get to keep ten songs a month. I think it should be upped to 15 (at least enough to get most any album per month).

Why aren't we calling her an achievement whore? Because she's a woman and that would just be 'not cool'?

@Eddard: Their occipital lobe isn't developed to see, I believe. I'm sure you'd have to get some advanced stem cell implants going in addition to fixing whatever physical problems exist with their eyes.

You think they could airbrush in some lats, traps and delts. Typical guido working his chest/arms/abs.

@revdrkevind: Let's see... Under Obama the president can have anyone assassinated within the US for any reason deemed necessary.

What a cool dystopic place to live.

Seems like a lot of butthurt in the comments over the fact that this doesn't jive with their idea of factory labor and the cherry-picked pictures of frowny-faced employees.