The Delanator

@Vidal89: Sign a one-year contract, pay your bill on time, and be eligible to sign another one-year contract (which wipes the prior one) every 9 or 10 months. Poof, problem solved.

Why is she behind bars? I'm sure these kids knew what they were doing.

I'll be playing GMAT Practice Exams: Your Test is on Tuesday.

Awesome, this is all I want - the original Genesis lineup. Now for a Robotnik and badnicks (more Genesis -era characters).

Halo Reach just went gold, apparently. So expect it to leak soon. If you're worried about spoilers, I'd go dark now.

@CubemonkeyNYC: They wouldn't necessarily have to - the large telecoms enjoy money and would probably just offer a second net-neutral plan for which they charge more. I really don't see the big issue here - you pay more if you use more.

They have it at the nice GameStop on Colorado Boulevard here in Denver, they're supposed to be giving away some cool stuff, I might go so I can find some stuff to eBay.

Don't you pay to use a service provided by others? They do have the right to set some terms, just as you have the right to decline them.


Get rid of the TSA. They miss half of all potential terrorists anyway. So you send three guys all intending to do the same job and guess what? It still gets done.

That's retarded. You're responsible for the way you see this stuff, not the media. PROTIP: grow a brain, girlscouts.

Why would anyone want this to be a movie?

It's cute how they ignore the fact that the consumer isn't a moron, and generally doesn't buy terrible games.

Look at Blanka check out Zeingeif's junk.

Best bullshitter award.

@lionsheart25: I think Halo 2 and ODST are the best for storytelling from acharacter standpoint. CE and 3 were best from a setpiece standpoint.

combat's should be combats

If by sexy you mean plain and average all while lacking any womanly figure, than yes.

"As we've learned time and time again, an analog stick is not a substitute for a mouse."