The Delanator

Does their NFL license ever expire? What's the likelihood that they'd sell it to another company, at least to have one other competitor in the ring?

Why would Nintendo be a part of a group to deal with conflict tantalum? Their company always tries to sell harware at profit while Sony and Microsoft sell at a loss - gaining lost harware dollars through software. Nintendo likely doesn't want to have any added cost when it comes to making sure their compenents aren't

3D won't flop, the cost of implementing the technology will eventually drop to the point where paying a little more for a 3D capable TV won't be a big deal. This probably won't be the case for a while - right now the difference in cost is huge and the benefit is minimal.

So people stick up for pirates when they do it from a computer, but when it involves a camera and two minutes of footage from a franchise they hate it's okay to throw the books at them.

So, what, are we going to reboot franchises every decade now? I feel the lack of creativity in big name productions is astounding as of late. I'm hoping Inception changes that.

Plotholes, bad voice acting, why do people like this game?

So they just did what GM does - remove 70% of the glass.

The kin is akin to the Dreamcast. Not a sign of things to come, but a footnote to the generation in which it was introduced.

@Naoki_: Reach is almost done. I think a zero bug release is a beta, no?

They're hiring three-year-olds!

It seemed like a weak beta for the full Windows Phone 7 thing. Hopefully those hit Verizon at launch.

@tupaY2J: lol no. I would suggest getting into one year contracts. Usually verizon will let you sign a new one or two year contract if your bill is payed on time. I think you can sign a new contract as soon as you're halfway through your contract - at least that's how it's been with me (and yes, you get the one or two

So.... my HTC Incredible will be capable of running it, albiet barely?

@Giggers: I have to agree with you. Even if sony said current PSN services will remain free, what's to stop future games from requiring PS+ for their online content? Nothing, really.

@runn1ngman: No commercials on netflix, huge library of movies.

@csanders984: A bunch of shitty NBC shows =/= full cable subscription.

Does anyone else read this as a way to casually introduce future online gaming for select titles as "PS Plus exclusive!"

@Ad-hominem: Really the automatic downloads of patches and firmware perk should be standard for all PS3s since the OS seems incapable of delivering speedy firmware updates and quick game patches. Playing a game that you haven't touched in a few months is a nightmare.