The Delanator

Wiimote + Nunchuck + Motion Plus = $80

I knew Sony would be price retarded. $400 for a glorified wii, as the casuals will see it. If it were $300, I'd have a move bundle preordered as soon as it popped up on Amazon.

@clammy: Oh wow... that's exactly the kind of thing Sony would pull.

This is going to be the only good first-party press conference.

I need one. I sold my PS3 because I hated the controller that much. I mean, I played every AAA thta came out for it up through GOW III, but damn, it was tough. The controller is an uncomfortable abomination for my hands, and I've used that layout since I was 12.

@tyler.derden: I like games, they have a library of good games. I like music, they make a good music player with a nice service. I like computers, not trendy hipster bullshit.

@jingram421: Can you see? The pictures clearly show a power brick. Your a master troll, I hope.

@Boss-Moogle: I'm not a fan of MGS, but I love a good ninja game. This one looks to reign supreme.

I was wondering what Criterion would do next. Sounds awesome.

No. I'll spend the $150 or $180 or whatever for the Pro Rock Band 3 controller (I've been trying to get back into guitar for so long). But not this.

@Bubbleman!: Welcome to E3 2010. I have a feeling that Sony will be very similar in content. They're shifting focus to games in the short-term since there's so many other venues to announce games, GDC, the VGAs, etc.

@bloppyblue: That's true, and the soft string-like buttons won't give you the same level of resistance. Still, Fender is making a real guitar that needs to be tuned. It has a sensor for which note is being played and will work for the game. That's a pretty in-depth learning tool, right there.

@bloppyblue: Does it come with interactive software that will teach me how to play? No.

@Bob_Bobbson: Seeing that it's a Squier (their bargain brand) I don't see it costing more than $300 MAX.

The pro guitar - if it actually helps with real guitar learning - will be more than worth the price.

There's a part in the movie where my seat is empty because I didn't go.

@Zunnoab: I didn't say anything about that, but the whole "power" thing is bullshit. The government enables them to wield more power by being the arbiter of special favors, engineered legislation, etc. So to just say "HERP DERP corporations have too much power" while ignoring the only realistic vessel by which they

This, combined with the "corporations have more power than the government" line in the trailer, have me severely turned off to this game. It's watered down, hippie-liberal dystopia. It's like they're implying the government would actually be honorable given the power to do whatever the hell the game is alluding to.