
Oh, also, just wanted to let you know that I would have laughed HELLLAAAA hard when you punched your dumb shit friend, I seriously don’t know what’s wrong with your ultra sensitive beta friends, nobody ever said “never do that to a guy” around me growing up, we nutshotted each other all the time! In soccer we used to

I haven’t finished your post yet but just wanted to say that I hope you don’t think the asinine and abusive behavior of your friends is indicative of the fully-realized male self. None of my peers who consider themselves alphas would ever believe this to be acceptable behavior because it is also completely ineffective

You spend your taxes on education? Judging by the crowd at Pemberton, you guys have an even greater divide between your educated urban elite and rural peers, I literally have never seen more shirtless and shoeless rednecks getting arrested on the first day of a festival anywhere else in the next door

“The free world fights a war of liberation to save us...”

That’s no Manhattan safehouse. Besides the fact that I instantly recognize it as the very first (you noobs lol) safehouse in Brooklyn, you have the “Precinct Siege” mission notification up, which if anyone now in the end-game remembers, is the mission you complete to unlock Manhattan.

Aimee, the reason your untrained ears still hate “Perfect Illusion” is because Lady Gaga is attempting to get in on the over-pressed throaty badass high pitched yelling style that has become very popular with artists like Sia. Because the internet is helping us reach talent equilibrium, more and more classically

Bro this is still free. This is like the people who argue GTA a cheating is ok because they can’t instantly unlock everything in the game. Just play the damn game for like 30 minutes, if you can’t unlock one character you probably didn’t need it in the first place. Jeez us millenials don’t want to have to earn

“Trying to monetize added diversity”

You know, it’s much harder to find a female soldier who’s seen direct MOUT combat than a male soldier...not impossible, but I don’t think I need to get into percentages here...the choice of realism and video gaminess is always a balancing act and you shouldn’t hate on a developer for giving you the unrealistic

Hahaha the argument that content in the game is overpriced is completely wrong. This is an 18 year old kid we’re listening to. He’s lazy and an idiot, as well as fairly being immature. I only started playing GTA Online this summer (I used to prefer single player) with the new gen version and I already have everything

Now playing

This list is fine from a movie lover’s point of view, but completely wrong from a gunfighter’s point of view. This:

Ok, i’m so sorry, but comparing an e sports event to Thermopylae is a disgrace. Come on dude, real people died there, I know you don’t remember any of them but this is a fucking game. Enough with this excessively positive hyperbole clickbait. Please. You’re all better than this and hopefully so are your readers.

Obviously you were not pro enough to have used this back in the day. If I had an XBone I would buy the elite controller in a heartbeat. It’s been two generations since I’ve had such a good controller.

Please don’t learn about style from the runway. That’s literally the worst possible idea. Runway is the most absurd, unwearable, ostentatious display possible and one would be hard pressed to actually wear a runway look in real life (though the Scandinavians are making it a little easier). As an illustrator, you are

Bespoke? Clearly you shouldn’t be reporting on menswear. As someone born and raised, i’m sorry to say this is not what we wear in Oakland. I don’t see vans, chinos, or a gray sweatshirt. I suppose my home is changing rapidly, but it’s still pretty obvious this is clothing more common in San Francisco.

Well shit. Joke’s on me. Fuck. Haha you’ve won my respect bobby, my apologies for being such a little shit. Disregard any insults while I rest my weary trolled head and reflect on the meaning of shame

“When administration of the prize was transferred to the Booker Prize Foundation in 2002, the title sponsor became the investment company Man Group, which opted to retain “Booker” as part of the official title of the prize.”

Dude you NEED to stop using hella. It’s IMMEDIATELY obvious to someone like me, who was born and raised in the East Bay (I lived up the hill from E40 so please trust me), that you are not from the East Bay. Your use of it is very awkward and obviously affected. One of the big things to know about original Bay culture