Thayder, SJW

There is a pacifist toggle in settings. Removes that problem, though PVP can still be initiated in workshops and a few public events.

Telling him to eat shit should be an hourly refrain for the remainder of his life.

Manchin has done more for the republicans than mayonnaise barbie.

I understand why you do. I don’t. No matter how stupid, vapid, malignant, ignorant, childish, churlish, petty, vacant, idiotic, moronic, narcissistic, and just plain awful that they are... I am an atheist liberal, if things go the way this shit heel desires, people like me are in trouble. I don’t want to be surprised

This is a hot take I know, but how about we let people play whatever the fuck kind of game they want?

Add to that, that there are details witnessed during the French Revolution that the head does not just die real quick like. Mouths can be seen to be forming words and the eyes move frantically as the brain processes what just happened before death.

The whole point of the battle of Wakanda was to give Shuri time to get the stone out of Vision. It didn't need weight, it was basically the Battle at the Black Gates in Return of the King... but less of a positive outcome.

He did kill half of what was left of Asgard which had already been pretty trimmed during Ragnarok.

Borderlands is backwards compatible on xbox one.

I would hope not. That turned me right the hell off of the first one. The setting and story of the division don’t really do anything for me, but if you dig. That’s awesome!

I’m about 90 hours into Anthem, playing regularly in gm1 so far, and nothing in that game at that difficulty reminds me of the first boss I faced on normal in the division that took about fifteen minutes of headshots to kill.

I have been there since the beta in D1 and we clearly have different memories. Last week, in Destiny 2, I had a fire team member have to restart their console five teams before being able to join the game. I’m glad you are enjoying division 2, but again, zero interest. Ive been playing Anthem daily and enjoying it. 

I have zero interest in the Division. Loving Anthem though. I prefer my loot games to be more sci-fi and less bullet sponge.

If thy can be expected to die for their country by being shot in school, they should be able to have a voice.

So your room mate is not a writer/game designer/ storyteller?

So the answer to my first question was simply, “no” then?

 and a world that feels static and lifeless.

Anthem, I am loving it.