Thayder, SJW

Heaven’s Sent was one of the best episodes of Who in my little opinion. I love the other doctors but Capaldi, hands down, is probably the strongest actor in the bunch.

This series is great! There needs to be more of it.

Witcher 3. Damn near perfect game. Until you get to Skellige and the seventy some odd “?” indicating a quest or treasure. I am very OCD about completing such things and damn near 95% of those question marks in Skellige are just lame treasures under water.

You know, I used to think it was awful that life was so unfair. Then I thought, wouldn’t it be much worse if life were fair, and all the terrible things that happen to us come because we actually deserve them? So, now I take great comfort in the general hostility and unfairness of the universe.

Can I be the semantic bastard that points out that if you are going to use “TL;DR” that you should write more than two poorly constructed sentences.

My only experience with it is with Kinect/Cortana mishearing something and my immediately shouting “Unsnap!”

Cuba Gooding Jr WON an oscar, he hasn’t been A list for a very very very long time.


Their official Facebook page just seven hours ago said coming to xbox and pc as well

Making natural selection great again!

And what does that have to do with the Chetto’d one saying he would do waterboarding and attacking civilians that were related to known terrorists?

We already know Trump voters are tolerant of bombing and torturing innocents, so your false equivalence is... well false.

“Hey is that Cyclops??”

I would love for you to show the source that says that people come from monkeys. Because i have yet to hear that from any of my science brainwashing classes, but maybe you have the teachers edition...

This I think explains both our stances quite well.

Calm down buddy, I am on the side of science here. I was explaining to our scientifically illiterate friend here that flight and gravity are also considered scientific theories and are just as true as evolution is.

Gravity and Flight are “just” scientific theories as well.

Did you keep reading?